Monday, May 25, 2009


As the author visited different classes we have also the experience of witness lessons because of our work experience and I have realized of those problems that he exposed about motivation in learning language. I can obviously find more interest from little children who are eager to learn than the older ones who usually say: why learning English? It won’t be useful for me in the future, or it’s too difficult, etc. I agree when he said that the factors that affect in this are: home support, healthy issues, the previous and first experience in learning English, etc.
motivation is so important to us as future teachers because is one of the most fundamental factors that affects the learning of our children. Therefore, motivation is something that teachers need to be always encouraging to their students,by identifying in what are they stronger, make them know that they can do it. Gave support and congratulate them is not less important.

Friday, May 15, 2009

grammar mistakes

the relugar mistakes that my classmates and I have, are grammar mistakes. i think grammar is about rules which we dont manage well so we commmit this faults. also I believe that some others classmates have problems in punctuation. they use lots of commas and dots. But we already know that in english most of the sentences are separated in ideas by a dot not with millions of commas like in spanish. another mistake i found of our writing is that we try to write like in spanish. That is also the reason of using lots of commas. our mistake is that we are doing, in fact, a translation with the texts we write. it is difficult finding faults because we are still learning so commit mistakes...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Dave's incredibly action

The video is about Dave a teacher who had grown up aroud teachers, members of his family.This made him think about all those inspiring people. He rented a store and started selling pirate supplies, but at the back of that there was a tutorial center where children could go to keep up in their reading and writing. Children whom had special needs, that english wasnt spoken at home and most of them had learning disabilities. He thought he and other profesional people would help these kids by teachig them one on one attention and needed more hours to improve their faults. This project worked exceptionally good and more and more people came as teachers and more and more children came asking for help. As a success, this project was done in different cities also in different countries, getting more and more people.

I think Dave's action was wonderful. It is great to find people who had dreams and can make them real, more if its kind of a SOS dream that doesnt help just him, but all. Mainly helps improvig society. He said: this action makes a happy family, a bunch a happy families in a neighborhood is a happy community. A bunch of happy communities tied together is a happy city and a happy world...